Corns, Calluses & Cracked Heels On The Feet

Corns, calluses and cracked heels are three common problems that we have the privilege of helping our patients with on a daily basis here at My FootDr. Unfortunately, they’re often a problem that many ignore in the hopes that they’ll go away on their own – whereas they may actually worsen if left untreated. The good news is that easing discomfort from these conditions can be simple and easy – and completed in one appointment. Today, the My FootDr team is sharing why you may be developing each of these problems, how you can treat them today, and what you can do to prevent them from recurring in the future. 

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Ingrown Toenail

Ah, ingrown toenails. It never ceases to amaze our patients when we remove that ingrown piece of toenail how such a small piece of nail can cause such immense pain – not to mention swelling, redness and often, the infection that follows when it is left untreated.

As one of our top five conditions that we see and treat every day here at My FootDr, here’s the low-down on ingrown toenails, why you may be getting them multiple times, and how you can fix that problematic toenail todaypermanently.

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Your calf muscles play a crucial role every time you walk, run and jump. Without healthy calf muscle function, you remain more vulnerable to lower limb fatigue and overuse injuries. During COVID-19, My FootDr has remained committed to helping our patients achieve their goals whether it be optimal health outcomes or improved performance. When it comes to calf injuries, or any injuries where the calf muscles have contributed to the problem, one of the ways that we have been helping is via telehealth appointments. Today, we’re giving you an insight into the efficacy of telehealth appointments to aid in the management of lower limb injuries – and how you’re able to access these services with our team.

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Young women stretching in gym

When exercises are performed using improper techniques, the result can be painful on our bodies. As part of Exercise Right Week, we’ve shared 5 signs that you may need more help with your technique so you can reap the most benefits from your workouts.

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There are many motivations for us to exercise. It may be to improve our physical strength or fitness, maintain a healthy lifestyle to reap the health benefits, or to lose weight – just to name a few. Whatever your reason for exercise, completing the right kind of exercise can look very different to different people. There is no one size fits all – which is great news! It means you can choose the best, most enjoyable and importantly the most sustainable exercise for you. 

To promote Exercise Right Week this week, we’ve put together 9 tips to help you choose the right exercise for you.

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My FootDr running foot pain

For many of us, the mandatory shutdown of gyms and boot camps along with working from home over the last couple of months has made us very mindful about the amount of exercise we are getting – or more specifically – not getting. For those that see a run around the block as a quick and easy way to increase your step count and get your heart pumping, we’ve put together a quick guide on starting to run, and doing it without increasing your risk of developing pain or injury.

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Kids playing at home

We’re podiatrists – and we’re parents too! Social distancing or not, making sure our kids get enough physical activity is a priority for us because we know the impact it has not just on their strength, coordination, flexibility and posture, but on their confidence too. With many social distancing protocols still in place across Australia, we’re sharing the ways that we are keeping our kids active when they’re at home.

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Running Outside vs. Treadmill Running

Running Outside vs. Treadmill RunningThe gym is closed and now that you can’t hit the treadmill, you’re planning on hitting the road. Running outside certainly has some great advantages – fresh air, time to yourself and a change in terrain. For those of you who do the majority of your runs on a treadmill, however, starting to run outside may feel a little daunting to start with. Here are some tips and things to stay mindful of when preparing for more outdoor running. 

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Stretches For Working From Home

Working from home can feel exhausting, especially when our daily step count has plummeted since leaving our workplace. This is when stretching can come in handy. It’s easy, free, only takes a few minutes – and is highly beneficial. Stretching can [1]:

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young woman in the street feeling pain in her ankle

young woman in the street feeling pain in her ankleFoot pain can be excruciating. When it affects your performance at work, it can be even worse. Our jobs can take a large toll on our bodies, which isn’t surprising given how active many of us are throughout our workday. An Australian study looking at steps taken per day over different occupations found that on average [1]:

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