In-toeing is the position where the feet turn in to face one another, and is often referred to as pigeon-toeing. For many kids, in-toeing is a normal part of early development as kids learn to walk and find their feet. While this foot position should correct itself before the age of four, it can persist and cause tripping, falling, clumsiness and pain as a result of these incidents.

When in-toeing persists, specific orthotics called gait plates can be used to encourage the feet to turn out. Today, we’re sharing what gait plates are and how they may be able to help your child with their in-toeing.

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“I know you can be born with flat feet, but can your arches really just fall as an adult?”

This was the exact question we were asked last week by a patient, concerned with the possibility of his feet spontaneously flattening. Our answer? Yes. Your feet can flatten as an adult. But it’s not ‘spontaneous’. Let us explain.

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Ingrown toenails can feel like having a small needle permanently stabbing your toe. Just replace the needle with a sharp nail spike, and the description is pretty accurate. Every step you take, you feel the pain. Your discomfort is aggravated by wearing shoes, and in some cases, even resting a bed sheet over your feet.

We treat a lot of ingrown toenails every day, and the majority of these are preventable. That is, they were caused by something the patient has done unknowingly, as opposed to uncontrollable genetic causes.

Today, the My FootDr team have shared their top three simple things you can do to address these common self-inflicted causes – as well as how to permanently fix this painful problem.

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If you’ve ever heard your child say their legs are achy, and wondered if they’re just tired or if it could be something more, this is for you. As parents, we understand the battle between hoping that it’s fine and the pain will resolve, and deciding whether to bring them in for a check-up. To help, we’ve asked our team to put together the common causes they see for achy legs in children’s podiatry appointments, so you better can understand what could be going on.

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How To Choose A Running Shoe

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the vast selection of joggers available at a shoe store – you’re not alone. While many people know that not every shoe is right for them, lots have trouble understanding which ones are right for them – and why.

Today, the My FootDr team guide you through what you need to know to help you choose the best running shoe that your feet will love!


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girl happy about buying new shoes

Have you ever gone into a shoe shop to have the shop assistant start throwing around terms that make you feel like they’re speaking a foreign language? Trust us, you’re not alone! Finding a good pair of running shoes that match your feet is hard enough without being lost in translation. While it all sounds good instore, many people leave the store being unable to explain to their friends why they ended up with the shoes that they have.


Today, we’re breaking down the running shoe jargon, so you know exactly what is being discussed – and what to look for.

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How confident are you that you know your child’s true shoe size? *A survey of 2109 parents showed that 65% did not correctly identify their children’s shoe sizes when compared against accurate foot measurements for the kids. Moreover, kids were found to be wearing shoes up to two sizes too small


With 30% of our patients being children here at My FootDr, we often see the effects of shoes being too small, like claw toes, bunions and more. Today, we’re sharing what this statistic means, why parents get it wrong, and what you can do to measure your child’s shoe size accurately.


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The Weet-Bix TRYathlon is fast approaching! While the initial burst of excitement may see kids actively preparing and running, for some the motivation may fade long before the event arrives on May 24th. So how do we keep our kids running while staying happy and healthy? Here are our top five tips for parents.


Teach Them

Although running is often perceived as easily attainable for anyone with enough willpower, some education and understanding around running can make a big difference. What to expect is an important foundation that is often overlooked. As they continue to run, have those casual conversations about:

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