When it comes to the change of seasons, often the transition from autumn to winter is the one we notice the most. The chilly climate and shorter days make getting out of bed a little harder – and often taking those first few steps each morning are a little harsh on your feet!
With this weekend the first official weekend of winter for 2019, we thought we’d offer a timely reminder of some of the common issues people experience with their feet at this time of year, and how to avoid them.
Exercising cold – winter is no excuse to give up on regular exercise, so go out there and keep active and healthy! However, remember that cold muscles and tissue in the feet also have less elasticity in winter, so you are more prone to sustaining an injury. A simple slip or fall can also lead to fractures. It gives new meaning to a “cold snap” – Ouch!
Dry skin and cracked heels – as the weather gets colder, the skin around your feet loses moisture and can often peel and crack. This is often apparent around the heel area and it can be quite painful. Remember to regularly moisturise the feet – particularly after a shower – and try to wear enclosed footwear.
Athlete’s Foot and Nail Fungus – when you layer up with cotton or wool socks, you’re creating an environment for sweaty feet that can’t breathe. You can prevent athlete’s foot and nail fungus by choosing socks that help moisture escape from the feet and toes. Ask your podiatrist if you are unsure!
General foot pain – surprise, surprise, this is the most common reason patients come to us because it has multiple causes. We can often be stubborn and ignore the pain in our feet – out of sight, out of mind, right? However, cold mornings can make foot pain more noticeable and impossible to ignore. If you have pain that lasts more than 48 hours, it’s probably time you booked an appointment with our podiatrists.
From all of the Podiatrists at My FootDr, have a safe and active winter and remember that prevention is key to healthy feet – so look after your foot hygiene and stretch, stretch, stretch!